Graspop Metal Meeting

[1]​ Esto obligó al fundador Peter Van Geel a intervenir de manera drástica la forma en como se llevaba el festival.

[2]​ Hasta el año 2011, la organización había invitado a 435 bandas de las cuales Iron Maiden ha sido la que más veces ha subido al escenario.

[8]​ Nevermore Rose TattoDestructionDevil TownsendAncient RitesMetaliumAction in DC Judas Priest Cradle of FilthMegadethMotörheadSavatageMardukPrimal FearFarmer BoysKill II ThisPist-on Marduk Within TemptationSix Feet UnderMacabreThe HauntedOrphanageUnleashed Suicidal Tendencies Dropkick MurphysSick of It AllShelterBackfireAwkward Thought Saxon AnathemaKreatorMoonspellDoroRageManic Movement Agnostic Front After ForeverLess Than JakeIn ExtremoMassifSkarheadXeah Slayer Dream TheaterMachine HeadBruce DickinsonHalfordTristaniaEdguyCalibreEvergrey My Dying Bride ImmortalCannibal CorpseHypocrisyArch EnemyDismember Biohazard SlapshotThe VandalsD.R.IDeviateSubzero Type O Negative SepulturaOpethSamaelMastodonOceans of Sadness Stratovarius ApocalypticaOverkillMasterplanAtreyuAborted Iron Maiden Alice CooperWithin TemptationAnthraxMuderdollsArch EnemyDoroPro-PainKiller Ministry Lacuna CoilSix Feet UnderFinntrollThe HauntedDestroyer 666 Stone Sour Sick of It AllHatebreedProngYouth of TodayConvit Iced Earth AnathemaIn ExtremoCircle II CircleAction in DCCowboys and Aliens Exodus HypocrisyAfter ForeverSuffocationDillinger Escape PlanEpica Alice Cooper SlipknotMotörheadSoulflyQueensrÿchePleymoBrides of DestructionEvergrey Cradle of Filth My Dying BrideAnthraxMorbid AngelOomph!Scarve Agnostic Front TerrorBlood for BloodDisciplineBackfireDo or Die Judas Priest Life of AgonyFear FactorySaxonTestamentDestructionSeven Witches Dimmu Borgir Children of BodomTherionDeath AngelDying FetusMalevolent Creation Hatebreed Ill NiñoIgniteChimairaKillswitch EngageShadows Fall System of a Down Within TemptationPapa RoachHelmetAlter BrigdeThe Ga Ga's Nevermore MegadethMetal ChurchGrave DiggerEnslavedImmolation Kreator Dillinger Escape PlanMadballH20CalibanThe Eighties Matchbox B-LineDisaster In-Quest AutummAxamentaJudasvilleCowboys and AliensChimairaSengir Slipknot SlayerAcceptHatebreedKamelotEpicaSoilworkSkitsoy In Flames SireniaSamaelAmon AmarthGorefestBehemoth Anthrax Sick of It AllMastodonRose TattoPro-PainPeter Pan Speedrock Iron Maiden Dream TheaterDioYngwie MalmsteenPrimal FearAxel Rudi PellDragonForce Lacuna Coil Dark TranquilityNuclear AssaultAbortedOceans of Sadness Terror AménWalls of JerichoMurphys'LawHatesphere Whitesnake Lacuna CoilMichael Schenker GroupEdguyTriviumY&TAnvil Satyricon MoonspellThe GatheringStream of PassionLeaves'EyesSengir Die Krupps EvergreySoilwork36 Crazy FistsGojiraDarkane Axamenta Leng Tch'eCallenish CirclePanchrysiaIconoclasmBattalionThe Maple Room Guns N' Roses SoulflyAlice in ChainsStone SourAvenged SevenfoldBullet for My ValentineBloodsimple Opeth My Dying BrideNileObituaryAncient RitesAkercocke Death Angel Ill NiñoJon Oliva's Pain'The New York DollsThe DatsunsCaliban Action in DC Up the IronsOzzy OsbournePurple StrangersNutellica Motörhead SaxonHelloweenIn FlamesArmored SaintDragonForceMachine Men Cradle of Filth After ForeverExodusEnthronedEnsiferumIn-Quest Arch Enemy Agnostic FrontIgniteDevil DriverBeyond FearAs I Lay Dying Aerosmith Chris CornellWithin TemptationPapa RoachStatic XThin LizzyFastway Blind Guardian Joe SatrianiPain of SalvationGrave DiggerEpicaSabaton Therion Type O NegativeCeltic FrostAmorphisVader1349 Volbeat BelphegorTexturesCrimson FallsTAB Iron Maiden KornHeaven & HellLife of AgonyStone SourLamb of GodLauren Harris Dimmu Borgir TiamatCannibal CorpseAtheistSireniaBrutal Truth Me First and the Gimme Gimmes Drowning PoolLess Than JakeLegion of the DamnedRose Hill DriveSpiralarms Bloodsimple ScarveThurisazSuhrimSpoiler NYC Ozzy Osbourne SlayerChildren of BodomHammerfallBlack Label SocietyChimairaDevil Driver Amon Amarth FinntrollKorpiklaaniMoonsorrowTurisasEluveitie Mastodon As I Lay DyingUnearthCynicMercenaryIn This Moment Stormrider Oceans of SadnessEl Guapo StuntteamSpoil EngineAsraiWelkin Judas Priest WhitesnakeDef LeppardSaxonYngwie MalmsteenTesla Ministry TestamentSymphony XMoonspellBlack Stone Cherry Morbid Angel NileObituaryDeathstarsBehemoth Firewind Damn Your IdolsThe Lucifer PrincipleSteak Number EightDedicted Kiss Cavalera ConspiracyIced EarthSonata ArcticaForbiddenSabaton My Dying Bride ImmortalKorpiklaaniDying FetusHollenthonNovembers Doom Helmet Bring Me the Horizon36 Crazy FistsAgent SteelBleeding ThroughThrowdown Delain Valient ThorAlestormDie MannequinHacride Iron Maiden In FlamesAvenged SevenfoldBullet for My ValentineApocalypticaRose TattooLauren Harris At the Gates PrimordialSoilworkAlchemistRotting Christ Arch Enemy MadballConvergeComeback KidDisfear Action in DC Shai HuludThe SeventhWitchsmeller PursuivantAfter AllBlack Tide Mötley Crue Heaven & HellSoulflyPapa RoachDragonForceBuckcherry Dream Theater Blind GuardianW.A.S.P.Jon Oliva's PainFirewind Down Static XExodusPestilenceLääz Rockit The Gathering SamaelTaakeLauren Harris Slipknot KornJourneyHatebreedMastodonBlack Stone CherryIn-Quest Lacuna Coil Death AngelGojiraLegion of the DamnedKataklysmKeep of Kalessin Volbeat Monsters MagnetDuff Mc Kagan's LoadedParkway DriveNo Use for a NameAll Shall Perish Wolves in the Throne Room DagobaDelainNegura BungentManic Movement Marilyn Manson NightwishDisturbedChickenfootTriviumLamb of GodUFO Children of Bodom EpicaSacred ReichCandlemassScar SymmetryWarbringer Sick of It All AnthraxDevil DriverSuicidal TendenciesGod ForbidFlyleaf Karma to Burn All That RemainsEthsAugust Burns RedThe Reckoning Aerosmith MotörheadStone Temple PilotsSlayerBilly TalentReVamp My Dying Bride TarjaTherionAnathemaKrypteriaGhost Brigade Saxon DoroU.D.O.The PoodlesAnvilRaven Nile SepulturaDevin TownsendThe Devil's BloodBleeding ThroughOceans of Sadness Soulfly Channel ZeroSlashCarcassBullet for My ValentineSabatonKilling Machine Immortal Paradise LostObituaryCannibal CorpseDark FuneralHail of Bullets Airbourne Sick of It AllFear FactoryWalls of JerichoDeath by StereoSylosis Eluveitie Tankard3 Inches of BloodSpoil EngineDear SuperstarIron Mask Kiss HatebreedKillswitch EngageJon Oliva's PainExodusEvergreyAtreyu Amon Amarth BloodbathBehemothAlestormKatatoniaNecrophobic Devil Driver UnearthA Day to RememberAs I Lay DyingMucky PupJob for a Cowboy Finntroll Korpiklaani36 Crazy FistsThe FacelessDeadlockBetween the Burried and Me Scorpions VolbeatKornJourneyForeignerDio DisciplesFM Iced Earth EpicaWatainCorrosion of ConformityThe Black Dahlia MurderArkona Parkway Drive The Damned ThingsHeaven Shall BurnSepulturaThe DwarvesProtest The Hero Duff McKagan's Loaded Angel WitchThe RodsSweet SavageEndless DarkRevoker Judas Priest WhitesnakeChannel ZeroBlack Label SocietyFirewindLacuna CoilDiablo Blvd Cradle of Filth Arch EnemyMoonspellTryptikonSuicide SilenceKvelertak Bullet for My Valentine Monster MagnetTimes of GraceAll Shall PerishKylesaAdept Pain Electric WizardSpiritual BeggarsGhostBlack SpidersAfter the Burial Slipknot Rob ZombieAvenged SevenfoldMastodonKreatorAnvilPagan's Mind Cavalera Conspiracy OpethLegion of DamnedMoonsorrowAmorphisBaptized in Blood Bring Me The Horizon Dublin Death PatrolTerrorPro-PainD.R.I.Rise to Remain Soilwork Escape the FateArchitectsGwarWhile She SleepsSteak Number Eight Ozzy and Friends SlayerSabatonSlashBlack Label SocietyGodsmackTracer Lamb of God Amon AmarthParadise LostSacred ReichEnsiferumSkeletonwitch Kyuss Lives!

Sick Of It AllDevilDriverAugust Burns RedUnearthI Killed the Prom Queen Cannibal Corpse ObituaryAbortedPossessedWinterfyllethSaille Limp Bizkit Twisted SisterMegadethTriviumThin LizzyPrimal FearAdrenaline MobPowerwolf Dimmu Borgir My Dying BrideExodusEluveitieDeath AngelAlestorm Pennywise Fear FactoryComeback KidAll Shall PerishThe SpudmonstersWhile She Sleeps Ihsahn & Leprous NasumBrutal TruthSuicidal AngelsDear SupestarsHeidevolkKobra and the Lotus Guns N' Roses MotörheadMachine HeadKillswitch EngageEuropeSebastian BachSix Hour Sundown Children Of Bodom BehemothJon Oliva's PainGotthardUgly Kid JoeMaYan Hatebreed GojiraAxeWoundH20EmmureCancer Bats Texas in July Betraying the MartyrsRival SonsSpoil EngineBlack SpidersThe Treatment Twisted Sister KornSoulflyPapa RoachHelloweenGrave DiggerHeathenCrucified Barbara Kreator MayhemDark FuneralKorpiklaaniUnleashedVarg Coal Chamber Heaven Shall BurnProngAll That RemainsAsking AlexandriaVeil of Maya Katatonia Rotting CristEntombedLove and DeathEscape the FateIn This MomentThe Monolith Deathcult Slipknot SaxonWithin TemptationBullet for My ValentineDownRockstarBrainstormVanderbuyst

The Devil Wears PradaAgnostic FrontCalibanThy Art is MurderAfter the Burial Absu Lock UpAura NoirDunberbeistBetween The Buried And MeSylosisHacktivist Iron Maiden In FlamesStone SourParkway DriveHellyeahPretty MaidsVoodoo Six King Diamond EpicaGhostGod SeedMoonspellWinterfylleth Testament NewstedThe Dillinger Escape PlanThe Ghost InsideDeez NutsEvery Time I Die The Sword ClutchRed FangBulletHeaven's BasementKing Hiss Diablo BLVD Evil InvadersOstrogothDyscordia Avenged Sevenfold SlayerSteel PantherGhostSeetherJeff Scott Soto Sabaton BehemothSepulturaDoroAnnihilatorLynch MobAlestorm Opeth WatainTriptykonCandlemassNapalm DeathSolstafirNovembers Doom Graveyard UnidaOrange GoblinWalkin PapersOf Mice & MenMiss May IDevil You KnowThe TreatmentHigh Voltage Emmure BuckcherryBlessthefallHuntressBattlecross Volbeat Alter BridgeMastodonGamma RaySkilletPrime CircleCivil War Limp Bizkit TriviumW.A.S.P.GojiraPowerwolfDagoba Carcass NeurosisSatyriconEluveitieLegion of the DamnedNileNecrophobicIn Solitude Dark Tranquility The Dillinger Escape PlanCult of LunaAmplifierEnslavedAmenraNailsCarach AngrenStahizeit Kylesa Pro PainWalls of JerichoProtest the HeroSkyharbor Black Sabbath SoundgardenAlice in ChainsAnthraxBlack Label SocietyThe Black Dahlia Murder Megadeth Rob ZombieHatebreedBring Me to HorizonSuicide SilenceComeback KidPowerman 5000 Meshuggah Paradise LostDeathTiamatThe Church of Pungent StenchCynicGlorior Belli Metal Church Sebastian BachVandenberg's MoonkingsRhapsody of FireGloryhammerScorpion ChildCollibus Architects We Came As RomansThy Art is MurderLetliveCrossfaith