Fue un astrofísico de renombre internacional y su obra lo hace ser un orgullo para su país, Bolivia.
Hasta 1968 Experimento sobre la “Cascada atmósférica” (BASJE Bolivian Air Shower] Joint Experimen) en Chacaltaya, Bolivia, para la búsqueda astronómica de rayos gamma de alta energía.
Experimento EAS-TOP en el Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italia, hasta 2002, para el estudio de las características de la “Cascada atmosférica extensa” (EAS Extensive Air Shower) a 2000 m s. n. m. Estudio de “Neutrinos en el colapso de estrellas” con el Detector de Gran Volumen (LVD Large Volume Detector), LVD y On-line recognition of supernova neutrino bursts in the LVD detector del Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italia.
18-22 de junio de 2007 Looking for the high energy component of GRBs at the Large Aperture GRB Observatory High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions , First School Of Cosmic Rays And Astrophysics.
a) “Limits on low energy neutrino fluxes with Mt. Blanc LSD” Astro.
Phys 1,1 (1992) b) “Hadrons and other secondaries generated by cosmic muons underground” Nuovo Cimento 18C, 517 (1995) This paper was awarded by the Academy of Science of USSR.
c) “Search for low energy and antineutrinos in coincidence with BATSE GRBs” Astrophys.
And Space Science 231 355 (1995) d) “Upper limit on the solar antineutrino flux according to LSD data” JEPT lett.
63, 10 (1996) a) “Nucleon stability, magnetic monopoles and atmospheric neutrinos observed at Mt. Blanc NUSEX experiment”: Phys.
B133,454 (1983) b) “Experimental study of atmospheric neutrino flux in the NUSEX neutrino experiment”: Europhys.Lett.8:611-614 (1989) c) “Observation of a time modulated muon fluxes in the direction of Cygnus X-3” Phys.Lett.B155:465 (1985) a) ”New approach to cosmic ray energy spectrum investigation in récord energy interval from 10^15 up to 10^19 eV EPJ Web Conf.
53 (2013) 08001 , It was made by means of relatively small detector for inclined muon bundle registration and it was the first observation of energy dependence of muon bundle excess compared with simulations, which was confirmed in other experiments, including Auger.
52D, 2673 (1995) c) “Multiple interaction of muons in the NUSEX detector and muon energy spectrum at deep underground” Astrop.