El Dr. Marcelo Lozada y Cassou es doctor en Física por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
[3] Lozada-Cassou M and D. Henderson, Application of the Hypernetted Chain Approximation to the Electrical Double Layer : Comparison with Monte Carlo Results for 2:1 and 1:2 Salts, Journal of Physical Chemistry, vol.
[6] E. González-Tovar, Lozada-Cassou M, and D. Henderson, Hypernetted Chain Approximation for the Distribution of Ions around a Cylindrical Electrode II.
Numerical Solution for a Model Cylindrical Polyelectrolyte, The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol.
[10] J. Alejandre, Lozada-Cassou M, E. González-Tovar and G. A. Chapela, Molecular Dynamics of a Hard Sphere Fluid Between Two Walls: A Comparison with the Three Point Extension Hypernetted Chain Approximation, Chem.
[13] Lozada-Cassou M, W. Olivares-Rivas, and B. Sulbaran-Maldonado, Violation of the electroneutrality condition in confined charged fluids, Phys.
[14] J. Alejandre, Lozada-Cassou M and L. Degrève, Effect of pore geometry on a confined hard sphere fluid, Molecular Physics, vol.
[15] Lozada-Cassou M and J. Yu, Correlation of charged fluids separated by a wall, Physical Review Letters, vol.
[17] Lozada-Cassou M, E. Gonzalez-Tovar and W. Olivares, Nonlinear effects in the electrophoresis of a spherical colloidal particle, Physical Review E, vol.
[20] R. Messina, E. Gonzalez-Tovar, Lozada-Cassou M and Chistian Holm, Overcharging: The crucial role of exclude volume, Europhysics Letters, vol.
[21] F. Jiménez-Ángeles and Lozada-Cassou M. Simple model for semipermeable membrana: Donan equilibrium, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108, 1719-1730 (2004).
[23] Odriozola G, Jimenez-Angeles F, Lozada-Cassou M. Effect of confinement on the interaction between two like-charged rods.
018102 Jul 7 2006 [24] Jimenez-Ángeles Felipe; Douda, Yurko; Gerardo Odriozola; Lozada-Cassou M. Population inversion of a NAHS mixture adsorbed into a cylindrical pore, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol.
[26] Odriozola, Gerardo, Jiménez-Ángeles Felipe and Lozada-Cassou M. “Entropy driven key-lock assembly”, The Journal of Chemical Physiscs 129, 111101 (2008).
[27] Odriozola, Gerardo and Lozada-Cassou Marcelo, "Statistical Mechanics Approach to Lock-Key Supramolecular Chemistry Interactions", Physical Review Letters 110, 105701 (2013).